Friday, September 16, 2011

Things That Just Make Sense

Real job creation means spending some money!
Corporations are NOT "people" - they are legal entities.
Lowering the tax obligations of corporations does NOT create jobs - otherwise, we would have seen it already!
The wealthiest people in this country are not paying their fair share in taxes, and they should be doing so - in fact, some have come forward asking to do so!
We should have a single-payer health care system. Works for England, Canada and France, it ought to work for us, too.
What is derogatorily referred to as "Obama-care" little resembles what the President originally intended. Much of what is in it came out of compromises to appease the Tea-Party Republicans.
Religion and religious beliefs should have nothing to do with any legislation put forth in this country. Not everyone believes the same as those in power. Some are agnostic, some are evangelical, some are non-evangelical Christians, some are Jewish, some are Muslim, some are Athiest. That is what this country was based on two-hundred-thirty-five years ago - a country where freedom of religious beliefs matters.
If the non-progress-oriented Republican party in Congress would stop needing constant compromises from the Democratic party (without compromising on their end most of the time), this administration would have been able to get so much more done!
We need some really big infrastructure projects - and lo and behold! we have some - bridges, roads, electrical systems, etc.!
Fox News just needs to be gone!
Don't the Republican Presidential candidates have (or use) fact-checkers?
Ohio needs to say NO to Issue 2!
Congress needs to pass The American Jobs Act immediately - without bickering or back-biting like what went on during the unnecessary debt ceiling debate (that should have just been passed - no compromises, no temper tantrums)!

1 comment:

  1. Gee, where are you now that we need you?! You should restart this blog! Are you in Ohio (as I am)? I don't know if you'll see this, since it's apparently been years since this blog's been active,but if you do,come on! Start this thing back up again!
